Arch Sex Behav. 1978 May;7(3):157-73.
Plasma testosterone level and sexual behavior of couples.
Persky H, Lief HI, Strauss D, Miller WR, O'Brien CP.
Eleven couples, ages 21-31 years and married for at
least 1 year, were studied intensively over a three menstrual cycle
period from both an endocrine and a sexual behavioral standpoint. Each
subject was interviewed individually and had a blood sample drawn twice
weekly. Interviews were rated independently by two psychiatrists for
degree of sexual initiation, responsivity, avoidance, couple
interaction, and mood. Wives rated themselves also for degree of sexual
gratification (responsivity). Plasma levels of testosterone and
cortisol were determined for both husbands and wives while progesterone
and estradiol levels were determined additionally for wives. Husband's
initiation scores were significantly correlated with their wives
responsivity (clinically rated) scores for 10 of the 11 couples; wives'
initiation scores were significantly related to their husband's
responsivity scores for 8 of the 11 couples. When either set of
correlation coefficients was treated as a new variable and
intercorrelated with the husband's average testosterone levels, a
significant relationship was obtained. Intercourse frequency, while not
related to either partner's average testosterone levels, was related to
wives' testosterone levels at their ovulatory peaks. The wivess'
self-rated gratification scores correlated significantly with their own
plasma testosterone levels. Inspection of each wife's plasma
testosterone profile across the three cycles indicated that a dichotomy
coccurred, with some women showing a high baseline level and others
showing a low baseline level. When wives were dichotomized on this
basis, it was found that high baseline testosterone level was
significantly related to high self-rated gratification score and to
ability to form good interpersonal relationships.
Behavioral and hormonal responses of men to brief interactions with women
study tested for behavioral and hormonal reactions of young men to
brief social encounters with potential mating partners. Male college
students were randomly assigned to engage in a short conversation with
either a young man (male condition) or a young woman (female
condition). Participants provided saliva
samples before and after the conversation, completed a battery of
psychological measures after the interaction, and had their behavior
rated by their conversation partners. Salivary testosterone (T) increased significantly over baseline levels in the female condition only,
though differences between conditions were not significant. In
addition, change in T was significantly correlated with the degree to
which the female confederates thought the male participants were trying
to impress them. These behavioral ratings, in turn, were correlated
with the participants' ratings of the female confederates as potential
romantic partners. Results were generally consistent with the
hypothesis that human males may exhibit a behavioral and endocrine
courtship response that is similar to that observed in males of many
nonhuman vertebrate species.”
Evolution and Human Behavior 2003; 24: 365-375
“Testosterone and changes in T [testosterone] were significantly related to the timing of subsequent transition to first coitus [adolescent females] for blacks and whites.”
Psychosomatic Medicine 1997; 59: 161-171
“This study provides further evidence that when conception is most likely, females [women] prefer testosterone-related facial characteristics...”
Evolution and Human Behavior 1999; 21: 39-48
“These results extend the observation of a midcycle peak in serum testosterone [in women] to saliva ...” [Is this why we kiss?]
Hormone Research 1992; 37: 132-6
“Effect of injection of testosterone derivatives to pregnant rats on the brain of their one-day offspring” B.Y.Ryzhavskii
“Intramuscular injection of Sustanon-250, a drug with
testosterone derivatives of various action rate and duration, to rats
on day 19 of gestation affected brain development in their offspring.
This effect manifested in greater brain weight and neocortex thickness,
smaller density of neurons in the developing cortical layer V, and
larger size of these neurons and their nuclei and cytoplasm in
comparison with control neonatal rats. These data attest to accelerated
cerebral development in the offspring of experimental rats in
comparison [to] offspring of control rats.”
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 2002; 134: 509-11
Androgens in Human Evolution. A New Explanation of Human Evolution
Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum 2001; 94:
345-362 (If you read this publication, please examine the chart
and the studies at right, which provide direct support.) Contains
explanation of early puberty in Neandertals which is reported as "new" in Nature, 2004.