"Melatonin - DHEA Cycle" and Calorie Restriction
Copyright ã 1997, 1998 by James
Michael Howard.
(This was posted to various internet newsgroups,
November 10, 1998.)
I have written about the connection of
melatonin and DHEA in the past. In fact, I have developed what I call the
"melatonin - DHEA cycle." It is my hypothesis that melatonin and DHEA
are directly involved in controlling the other, hence, the melatonin - DHEA
cycle. In my explanation of sleep, you will find that when one is low, the other is
high. Anyway, a short time back I posted an article here entitled "DHEA
and Calorie Restriction," which was intended to demonstrate that calorie
restriction works because calorie restriction reduces the daily production of
DHEA, and, therefore, extends the life-span production of DHEA. Extending the
availability of DHEA extends its use for an organism, hence, extending the
life-span of the organism.
The following citation has just come to hand:
"The production of melatonin declines with increasing age, and circulating
melatonin levels are affected by certain pharmacological or physiological
manipulations, notably food restriction which increases melatonin levels and
prevents its age-related decline." (Gerontol 1996; 42: 87).
This effect of calorie restriction on melatonin production is supported by Acta
Endocrinol (Copenh) 1987; 115: 507, J Endocrinol Invest 1989;
12: 103, and Brain Res 1991; 545: 66. So, this produces a
mechanism involving melatonin and DHEA which directly explains the extension in
life-span produced by calorie restriction. That is, food restriction increases
melatonin which inhibits the production of DHEA. Reducing the production of
DHEA extends the usable life-span of production of DHEA by the adrenals. Hence,
the mechanism of life-extension due to calorie extension results from an
increase in melatonin, which reduces the daily production of DHEA. Hence, the
production of DHEA is extended.
Here is my original post, October 24, 1998:
"DHEA and Calorie Restriction"
Since I developed my hypothesis that every
cell utilizes DHEA for optimal function, I have thought that DHEA is also
necessary for optimal function of all tissues. I think DHEA optimizes
transcription and duplication of DNA. With that in mind, I decided that loss of
DHEA results in reduced transcription and duplication of DNA. Therefore, I
define aging as loss of transcription and duplication of DNA, as a result of
the natural loss of DHEA. Therefore, anything that reduces the loss of DHEA, or
use thereof, will extend the lifetime of DHEA and, therefore, reduce aging.
Now, since fasting reduces DHEA production, eating should cause its increased
use. In the following citation, which directly connects calorie restriction and
DHEA, it is shown that calorie restriction reduces DHEA the
"postmaturational decline in serum DHEAS levels." Therefore, it could
be that the life-extending qualities of calorie restriction may actually result
from an extension of the production of DHEA.
J Clin Endocrinol 1997; 82: 2093.
"Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate: a
biomarker of primate aging slowed by calorie restriction"
Lane MA, Ingram DK, Ball SS, Roth GS
"The adrenal steroids,
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate (DHEAS), have attracted attention
for their possible antiaging effects. DHEAS levels in humans decline markedly
with age, suggesting the potential importance of this parameter as a biomarker
of aging. Here we report that, as seen in humans, male and female rhesus
monkeys exhibit a steady, age-related decline in serum DHEAS. This decline
meets several criteria for a biomarker of aging, including cross-sectional and
longitudinal linear decreases with age and significant stability of individual
differences over time. In addition, the proportional age-related loss of DHEAS
in rhesus monkeys is over twice the rate of decline observed in humans. Most
important is the finding that, in rhesus monkeys, calorie restriction, which
extends life span and retards aging in laboratory rodents, slows the
postmaturational decline in serum DHEAS levels. This represents the first
evidence that this nutritional intervention has the potential to alter aspects
of postmaturational aging in a long-lived species."