How Melanoma and Parkinson's disease are connected

Copyright 2011, James Michael Howard, Fayetteville, Arkansas, U.S.A.

(Liu, et al., Neurology 2011: “Meta-analysis of the relationship between Parkinson disease and melanoma”)

It is my hypothesis that Parkinson's disease may be due to both low DHEA and testosterone.  ("Parkinson's disease, DHEA, and Testosterone" at:'s%20DHEA%20Testosterone.htm

Testosterone levels are significantly lower in Parkinson's disease (Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2009 Jun; 111(5): 412-4).  It has been suggested that melanoma is "testosterone-dependent" (Br J Cancer. 1980 July; 42(1): 52-57).

I suggest the common factor of Parkinson's disease and melanoma is low testosterone.  The use of testosterone by melanoma may increase the onset of Parkinson's disease.

Other cancers are less common in Parkinson's.  Epidemiological studies have consistently shown that individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) are less likely to develop nonmelanoma cancers and vice versa.” (Drugs Today (Barc). 2011 Mar;47(3): 215-22).  It is my hypothesis of 1994 that increased testosterone increases breast cancer, as well as other cancers, (International Journal of Cancer 2005; 115: 497).  Therefore, if testosterone is low in Parkinson's, then cancer incidence would be lower.


Here is something very interesting to add to this post.  In response in 2009 to Neurology. 2009 Oct 20; 73(16):1286-91, I wrote the following which I sent to several places but can be found on the internet at:

son-s-disease  .


"James Howard - 17 Feb 2009 20:34 GMT


It is my hypothesis that low DHEA and testosterone trigger Parkinson's disease. If interested:'s%20DHEA%20Testosterone.htm .


DHEA and testosterone enhance growth of melanoma. I suggest the connection of familial melanoma and Parkinson's disease may be that melanoma reduces circulating DHEA and testosterone which exposes underlying genetic predisposition to Parkinson's."


I had forgotten this but am pleased to have found it to add here.  This was ignored then as my current explanation is being ignored at this time.

Interesting that a potential explanation of Parkinson's disease has been, and currently is being, ignored.  I guess sometimes, some rocks are left unturned in a search to try to understand the causes of this disease.


(You should note that the place for my explanation of Parkinson's is's%20DHEA%20Testosterone.htm .

The hosting place of my has been changed.  However, in 2009, the listed worked properly; any rejection of my hypothesis in 2009 cannot be explained by lack of access to my explanation on the internet.)