DHEA, Estradiol,
Testosterone, and the Relevance of Their Ratio …The
Androgen Receptor …and the Secular Trend
(Contains a new
idea: Copyright January 31, 2012, James Michael Howard, Fayetteville,
Arkansas, U.S.A.)
It is my hypothesis that
evolution selected DHEA because it optimizes replication and
transcription of DNA. Therefore DHEA levels affect all
tissues. DHEA naturally begins to decline around the ages of
twenty to twenty-five, reaching very low levels in old age.
Since we are mammals, first, and evolved into primates, then humans,
I think the basis of our growth and development is dependent upon
DHEA. (If you wish to read more about this, read some of the
information about evolution above. …in "Basics"
section, above, if you are this in the "Current Topic" box
on the introduction page of my blog.) Therefore, I think the
sex hormones, first estrogen and then testosterone during evolution,
evolved to affect the availability of DHEA because of their
respective receptors through which I suggest DHEA enters cells.
(Since testosterone drives our sexuality, male and female, I tend to
focus on the relationship of testosterone with DHEA. However,
as "female" hormones affect DHEA, with important
consequences, I have considered this important relationship in my
work elsewhere in my blog or my main
It is known that testosterone is involved in
the production of androgen receptors. In fact, it has been
found that: "Using a range of testosterone concentrations, we
found that low concentrations of testosterone (1 to 10 nmol/L)
up-regulate AR expression, while 100 nmol/L down-regulates AR
expression." (Blood 2000; 95 (7): 2289-96) Of importance
to my explanation of human evolution, it has also been found that ""T
significantly increased the numbers of androgen
receptor-immunoreactive cells in every brain region examined."
(Biology of Reproduction 2003; 69 (3): 876-84) DHEA exerts
effects at cell surfaces and enters the cell via androgen receptors.
I believe human evolution exhibited significant increases in brain
size as a result of exposure to maternal testosterone because of
increased testosterone in the Homo erectus females. (…or
whatever "species" of hominid is now considered to have
shown this increase in brain size) Increased maternal
testosterone would increase female sexuality as well as increase
androgen receptors in their fetuses. Therefore, the brains of
"her" offspring would be able to absorb more DHEA and
increase its growth and development. This female would have sex
more often producing more intelligent babies. …exactly a
couple of main differences between the chimpanzee female who produces
less testosterone than female humans.
Testosterone is
involved in the availability of DHEA for growth and development of
cells / tissues as well as maintenance of these cells and tissues.
As noted above, large amounts of testosterone can reduce androgen
receptors. It is also known that testosterone reduces sulfatase
activity. DHEA is produced from DHEA sulfate (DHEAS).
Therefore large amounts of testosterone increases DHEAS at the
expense of DHEA; often high testosterone is found with high DHEAS.
I think it follows that, if DHEA is involved in cellular activity,
then reducing DHEA should reduce cellular (DNA) activity.
Hence, testosterone increases androgen receptors, which increases
DHEA entrance to cells to increase, among many things, the production
of androgen receptors. If high testosterone reduces DHEA, then
high testosterone reduces both DHEA and androgen receptors. If
you are very healthy, you have the right ratio of testosterone and
I think the increase in female testosterone
increases babies, bright babies. I think this event started /
caused human evolution. Access to nubile females is important.
Available, fertile females would be selected by evolution.
Therefore, testosterone would increase with time within the
population. If, as pointed out above, female testosterone
increases to excess, the availability of DHEA is reduced. When
this situation becomes exaggerated, it exacerbates the negative
effects of low DHEA on cells, and tissues, and populations. I
suggest we are experiencing this ongoing effect of human evolution at
this time. Therefore, human evolution will exhibit periodic
fluctuations in the testosterone to DHEA ratio. I think this is
the Secular
Trend and we are experiencing the negative consequences
at this time, such as increasing obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancers,
mental disorders, infections, etc. ( Cortisol
The ratio of testosterone to estradiol, according to this mechanism, will determine differential gene activity between male and females. That is, more testosterone will produce increased gene activation which could cause differential growth and development of all tissues between males and females and species. Since I think increasing testosterone in female hominids is the “cause” of human evolution, one should be aware that human female testosterone is higher than chimpanzee female testosterone while estradiol is approximately the same.
( * It is my hypothesis that cortisol evolved to counteract the effects of DHEA and is the basis of the "fight or flight" mechanism. ("A Theory of the Control of the Ontogeny and Phylogeny of Homo sapiens by the Interaction of Dehydroepiandrosterone and the Amygdala," Copyright 1985, James Michael Howard, Fayetteville, Arkansas, U.S.A. (Registered Copyright TXu220580).) The "cortisol to DHEA ratio" appears numerous times in the medical literature; it is becoming an important mechanism. Therefore, phenomena which increase cortisol may adversely affect the effects of DHEA and increase the probability of morbidity and mortality if the exposure to cortisol is excessive and prolonged.)